भाकृअप - केंद्रीय बकरी अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Central Institute for Research on Goats

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution

Institute Funded Projects (Ongoing)

S.No. Project Title P.I.
1 Cross breeding among indigenous goat breed to evaluate their productivity status and development of synthetic breed for broiler production. Dr. M.K. Singh
2 2. Genetic improvement and seed production of Jakhrana goats for milk and meat production Dr. Gopal Dass
3 Evaluation of Moringa olifera in the ration of goats Dr. Ravindra Kumar
4 4. Design and development of poly house type solar dryer for fodder and other produce of goat farm. Dr. Arvind Kumar
5 Standardization of goat milk cheese processing and value addition of its by-product. Dr. A.K. Verma
6 Development and characterization of goat milk yoghurt with enhanced health attributes and storage stability. Dr. T.P. Singh
7 Development of millet ‐ based goat milk products with enhanced functionality. Dr. T.P. Singh
8 Value chain on development of goat milk based cosmetic products with enhanced functionality. Dr. T.P. Singh
9 Development of natural farming based fodder production practices for goats. Dr. Mohd. Arif
10 10. Evaluation of sheep wool for improving forage crop productivity. Dr. Mohd. Arif
11 Assessment of laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) technique for in-vitro embryo production in goats. Dr. Y.K. Soni
12 Pathological and epidemiological investigation of goat disease. Dr. Ashok Kumar
13 Herbal adjunct for increasing the efficacy of commonly used antibiotics in animal practice. Dr. Anu Rahal
14 14. Epidemiology of pneumonia and development of package of practices for its control in goats. Dr. A.K. Mishra
15 15. Economic impact of CIRG technologies on goat production. Dr. A.K. Dixit