भाकृअप - केंद्रीय बकरी अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Central Institute for Research on Goats

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution

Externally Funded Project (Ongoing)

S.No. Project Title P.I. Funding Agency
1 All India coordinated research project (AICRP) on goat improvement (Coordinating Centre). Dr. M.K. Chatli ICAR
2 Improvement of sire evaluation of Jamunapari goats for milk & meat production. Dr. M.K. Singh ICAR-AICRP on Goats
3 Genetic improvement of Barbari goats for milk and meat production. Dr. M.K. Singh ICAR-AICRP on Goats
4 Enhancing livelihood security of farming community through livestock and crop integration using proven technologies. Dr. M.K. Singh ICAR Farmers FIRST Programme
5 ICAR-Network project on sheep (Muzzaffarnagari) improvement. Dr. Gopal Dass ICAR
6 Income improvement of resource poor scheduled caste beneficiaries through skill development and scientific agricultural and goat production. Dr. Gopal Dass ICAR-DAPSC Programme
7 Early life nutritional intervention to reduce methane emission and improved feed efficiency in goats Dr. Ravindra Kumar DBT
8 ICAR-Network project on veterinary type culture-rumen microbes. Dr. Ravindra Kumar ICAR
9 All india coordinated research project on plastic engineering in agriculture structure and environment management. Dr. B. Rai ICAR
10 Agri- Drone Project (ADP). Dr. Arvind Kumar ICAR
11 Improved goat animal production for healthier products through guided nutrients and bio-actives feeding. Dr. A.K. Verma DBT
12 Production of double-muscled mass farm animals using CRISPR. Dr. S. D. Kharche ICAR-NASF
13 Coordinated research project on agrobiodiversity. Dr. S. D. Kharche ICAR-NBAGR
14 Development of strategies for competent embryo production and efficient cryopreservation for faster propagation of superior goat germplasm. Dr. S.P. Singh National Livestock Mission
15 Development of herbal fortified diluter for buck semen cryopreservation. Dr. Ravi Ranjan National Livestock Mission
16 Development and evaluation of efficient regimen for estrus synchronization in major Indian goat breeds. Dr. Y.K. Soni National Livestock Mission
17 Indian network for fishery and animal antimicrobial resistance (INFAAR). Dr. K. Gururaj FAO & ICAR
18 Development of epsilon toxin based novel vaccine against enterotoxaemia in goats: A bioinformatics assisted reverse vaccinology approach Dr. K. Gururaj ICAR-CABin
19 ICAR-Outreach programme on ethno-veterinary medicine Dr. Nitika Sharma ICAR
20 Development of phage based therapeutic against mastitis in goats with special reference to Staphylococcus aureus and E- coli mastitis Dr. A.K. Mishra UPCST
21 Development of goat value chain in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. A.K. Dixit National Livestock Mission
22 Goat based livelihood Improvement through scientific interventions in tribal districts Dr. A.K. Dixit ICAR-DAPSTC Programme
23 ICAR-Network project on impact assessment of ICAR ‐ CIRG supplied germplasm of Barbari goats Dr. A.K. Dixit ICAR